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Win|Win Network – Home

Win|Win's Network Partners are on the ground doing critical civic engagement and community organizing work. To collect feedback and discuss how to best support that work, Win|Win hosts regular network gatherings.

In response to the feedback collected at the 2021 network gathering, Win|Win is prioritizing the following: 1) One-on-one network partner support. 2) Building power within communities of color. 3) Being THE trusted hub for equitable civic engagement data and analysis in Washington.

Our Network

Win|Win's network is made up of progressive organizations working towards racial, social, and economic equity across Washington State.

From our Blog

Win|Win Launches New Website
Donec sapien mi, consectetur at quam nec, egestas lobortis nunc. Vivamus auctor augue sem, a…
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Win|Win Network Launches Partner Map
Quisque a enim metus. Maecenas id ex urna. Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum tortor, in semper ante…
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Join our Network this summer
Aenean malesuada egestas lobortis. Proin nec nulla id metus sagittis ultrices. Aliquam non fermentum turpis.…
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Win|Win supports progressive organizations working to advance racial, social, and economic equity across Washington through civic and political engagement. We appreciate your partnership towards co-creating a Washington State where equitable democratic systems and policies allow everyone to thrive.