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Win|Win is the Washington administrator for the Voter Access Network (VAN), a data management software tool used to track progressive voter data. Win|Win Network Partners utilize the VAN to campaign, community organize, and advocate throughout Washington to advance progressive change.

Win|Win conducts an annual comprehensive cleanup and audit of all existing data and accounts in the VAN and facilitates training and one-on-one support of Network Partners inputting data updates collected through campaigning and community organizing to ensure that everyone has access to the most up to date information possible. Our Program Team continually researches and trials new ways of organizing the available data to its best advantage to help our partners move the needle in Washington towards progressive change.

Washington does not collect certain kinds of data such as race and ethnicity, meaning that this data is modeled through looking at indicators such as last name or geography. However, Network Partners currently report inaccurate race and ethnicity modelling as the biggest issue in utilizing voter data. Win|Win works with Network Partners to update voter information in the VAN so it is continually improved, do yearly purchases of data from national vendors, and advocate to national providers for more inclusive data including better language and race models.

Win|Win has historically been the “glue” behind our network partners, helping them to achieve their equity goals.

We are positioned to become a front-facing powerhouse for equitable data by investing in the data of young voters, voters of color, and voters who have been identified as having a low propensity to participate in elections. Win|Win is working to advance progressive change through sharing knowledge and data, connecting organizations with shared priorities, and building collective power amongst communities working to advance racial, economic, and social equity.